Monday, June 23, 2008

A True Hero

A few days ago i heard a story of an undiscovered war hero. Now this story might be a week or two old for some of you readers, but i thought it should be shared. 
           So the story goes that a class was assigned to finding a hero that has gotten no publicity or in other words was completely under the radar. One student found a a very special old women. Her name was Irena Sendler. During the Holocaust, she lived in a town where a large camp of Jewish people were kept. She, however, wasn't a Nazis and felt horrible for the children of the camp. So she convinced the Nazis to let her in and "control disease" with her medical talent. Once she was in, she smuggled children out of the as soon as possible by giving them a sleeping drug and  out them in baskets and than in an ambulance and out of the camps. People of her town also helped and took in these children. Irena buried all of the children's medical and birth forms in fire proof boxes in her yard, labeled with their names. She kept this up until one day a baby cried in the ambulance due to not being fully drugged and she was captured. She didn't give into torture.  She did get out and after the war she dug up all the safety boxes and tracked down the children again. Some got reunited with family and others had the comfort of knowing their real names and who their parents were. 
            In total, Irena was said to have saved the lives of of nearly 2,500 babies. When she was spoken too, she did however express regret-for doing too little.

                                                 now this is an angel,

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