I also have high expectations for this free class for breakdancing(maybe/hopefully hip hop) i found at a local YMCA. It sounds really awesome, and i here that there are about 25 kids there. I'm very excited, but also nervous. Knowing my clumsy self, I'll probably fall down in the middle of something simple. And also, these kids probably have a lot of experience. And I don't know how the class will play out, meaning I'm not sure if this is pretty much a place where kids who know how to do it go and freestyle, or they teach you moves step by step. I'm hoping its the second. Thats why i have to go a little bit earlier to play 20 questions whoever teaches the class. Haha! I also want to know if the place holds a hip hop class, because thats more of what I'm into. I'm also dragging my cousin along, since i don't feel like flipping over and snapping my neck in a room full of complete strangers. I really have high hopes for this though, because who has the money to pay for classes at all of these high end studios?! Not me, I can tell you that.
Well, everyone pray that the class isn't a bust, and the same for my spine.
I'll tell you how it was,
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